package main
import (
func AlwaysOnTop() {
const SWP_NOSIZE = uintptr(0x0001)
const SWP_NOMOVE = uintptr(0x0002)
// This is dumb but Go doesn't like the inline conversion (see above image).
func IntToUintptr(value int) uintptr {
return uintptr(value)
func SetWindowAlwaysOnTop(hwnd uintptr) {
user32dll := windows.MustLoadDLL("user32.dll")
setwindowpos := user32dll.MustFindProc("SetWindowPos")
setwindowpos.Call(hwnd, IntToUintptr(-1), 0, 0, 100, 100, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE)
func GetWindowHandleByWindowName(window_name string) uintptr {
user32dll := windows.MustLoadDLL("user32.dll")
enumwindows := user32dll.MustFindProc("EnumWindows")
var the_handle uintptr
window_byte_name := []byte(window_name)
// Windows will loop over this function for each window.
wndenumproc_function := syscall.NewCallback(func(hwnd uintptr, lparam uintptr) uintptr {
// Allocate 100 characters so that it has something to write to.
var filename_data [100]uint16
max_chars := uintptr(100)
getwindowtextw := user32dll.MustFindProc("GetWindowTextW")
getwindowtextw.Call(hwnd, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&filename_data)), max_chars)
// If there's a match, save the value and return 0 to stop the iteration.
if strings.Contains(string(windows.UTF16ToString([]uint16(filename_data[:]))), string(window_byte_name)) {
the_handle = hwnd
return 0
return 1
// Call the above looping function.
enumwindows.Call(wndenumproc_function, uintptr(0))
return the_handle